Our technologies are built on one another and can be related functionally – also in the form of user-friendly portal solutions.

All customer-specific process steps and heterogenous applications that came from evolved IT infrastructures are securely bundled, which makes them available in the portal in a personalized way, involving the relevant target groups. Online, 24/7.

We develop frameworks and mobile apps for quick and transparent process management. Our process solutions can be fully integrated with existing structures. Workflows are optimized and automated – across departments and companies.



Dispatching Manager – DisMa

DisMa bundles every information that is necessary for the dispatching process, and simplifies the workflow. Furthermore, it facilitates shift handovers and reduces administrative expenses when operating in alternate shifts.

In addition, DisMA integrates external systems and interfaces to maps, documents, commercial settlement systems (like SAP), e-mails and PMS information (Pipeline Management Systems). DisMA offers a process overview to track all steps when processing notifications. This way, the  dispatching processes gain speed and transparency.

For a constant flow of information regarding incoming notifications on the go, DisMa was implemented as a mobile application as well. DisMa is a so-called critical system and thus tamper-proof, i. e. all steps in the system are trackable. Subsequent changes are not provided.

Advantages at a glance


  • Modeling and describing dispatching processes
  • Integration of existing systems


Online Portal „Crisis Preparedness Gas“

In order to successfully manage high information efforts in times of crises and gas shortages, seven gas transmission network operators merged to implement the precautionary measures guideline “Crisis Preparedness Gas” in an online portal. This portal allows gas transmission network operators, downstream gas distribution network operators and market partners to communicate securely and fast in critical situations to ensure the coordinated implementation of measures for crisis management and crisis provision.

Advantages at a glance


  • Audit-proof implementation of the precautionary measures guidelines “Crisis Preparedness Gas”
  • Workflow-based communication with all market players in terms of emergency response
  • All gas grid operators can be addressed mutually using one platform
  • Guidelines to effectively manage critical infrastructure situations


Emergency response planning for gas: Who is the first to go offline?

This issue was probably discussed by many gas companies in February 2012 when the south of Germany experienced a supply shortfall. The reason for this crisis was the unfortunate situation of the pan-European cold snap that caused a high network capacity utilization in the south of Germany, combined with missing transport capacities in the market area of NetConnect Germany. Reduced gas imports and concurrent gas exports above average at border crossing points also contributed to the tense situation.

It is hardly remarkable that this incident triggered fundamental discussions on the security of supply in the liberalized gas market. Crisis management has become elementary important for gas companies to provide a reliable and secure gas supply for their customers.

Guideline “Krisenvorsorge Gas”

Consequently, the industry associations BDEW, VKU and GEODE published the precautionary measures guideline “Crisis Preparedness Gas” in 2014. The guideline includes the specifications of the Gas Cooperation Agreement and concentrates especially on defined communication channels and information obligations. Transparent communication processes between operators make risk situations detectable at an early stage. Gas transmission network operators play a key role being in a particular position along the chain of gas supply. There is a focus on mastering possible shortages in gas transmission networks and downstream distribution networks. The guideline has become a set of rules that network operators strictly adhere to.