Cathodic Protection on Track
GEOMAGIC CP Analyt: The Management System for Cathodic Protection DataGEOMAGIC CP Analyst: The Managment System for Cathodic Protection Data
Use the web-based platform GEOMAGIC CP Analyst to manage and visualize CP data and to integrate data on your protected structures, CP inspections and remote monitoring into a single system – independently of your CP system’s hardware. CP Analyst serves as a data hub to facilitate long-term documentation and provide evidence of CP compliance. The system also lets you compare and evaluate data from multiple CP inspections. CP Analyst helps you to always have a clear overview of the status of your CP systems and your protected assets, which makes it easier to plan and document any required maintenance.
Besides table views of inspection and remote monitoring data, CP Analyst comes with functionality for interactive charts. You can also view a graphical comparison of successive CP inspections.
When you make changes to your asset data, historical object versions are stored in the system for later reference. An optional map view gives geographical context for CP Read Locations and lets you highlight related objects such as the relevant protected structure.
Data Management for Pipeline Operators
GeoILI is a tool to manage ILI data in your GIS. Feature lists from inline inspections can be imported and aligned on the pipe centerline.
ILI features can be placed relative to distinctive objects (e.g., welds, fittings), so their position is plotted accurately on the map. Various ILI runs are stored in a single database and made available for information throughout the company.
With GeoCP, data from CP close interval surveys can be integrated into an existing GIS. Imported reading values are geographically aligned along the pipe centerline. In this way, CP data can be provided throughout the company via an information interface.